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Getting Testnet Tokens

To participate in the Union Testnet, you will first need an account with a UNO balance.

UNO is the primary token denom for the Union Testnet. We technically represent UNO as muno a fixed point representation of UNO with six digits of precision. This means that a balance of 1000000muno is equivalent to 1 UNO.

To ensure a fair initial distribution of Testnet tokens to validators, we will be supplying your accounts with an UNO balance.

Getting a Testnet Account

Before you can get a Testnet address, you will need to obtain and run the uniond Docker image.

Once you can run uniond, you can either create a new account, or recover one from an existing mnemonic.

Create a New Account

To create a new Account and mnemonic, use the following sub-command of the uniond binary.

uniond keys add $KEY_NAME

Where KEY_NAME is the name you would like to use when referencing your key.

Make sure to securely store the new mnemonic phrase that was outputted by the command.

You can also take note of your address here and continue to Receiving Testnet Tokens

Recover an Existing Account

To recover an Account using an existing mnemonic, use the following sub-command of the uniond binary.

uniond keys add $KEY_NAME --recover

Where KEY_NAME is the name you would like to use when referencing your key.

Take note of your address here and continue to Receiving Testnet Tokens

Receiving Testnet Tokens

Those interested can submit their Union address to the Subo Survey Bot on our Discord to have a chance of being selected as a validator and receiving tokens from the Union team.

Finding your Union Address

To ensure your account will have an UNO balance, please submit the address from your newly created or recovered account.

If you haven’t already noted down your address, you can retrieve it with the following command:

uniond keys show $KEY_NAME --address

Where KEY_NAME is the name you would like to use when referencing your key.

Finding your Validator Address

To find your validator address you can run the following uniond sub-command:

uniond keys show $KEY_NAME --bech=val --address